WDIY's Space Music Program airs every Thursday at 11 pm.
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Monthly Top 20 - October, 2023.

WDIY 88.1 FM Galactic Travels™ Top 20 for October, 2023.
Shows #1379 to #1382; 7-October-2023 to 28-October-2023
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox.
This report is also available at: Bill's Blog | WDIY
The Special Focus for October was Oöphoi. ARTIST - ALBUM TITLE - LABEL ======================================================================== Aetherium Nebula - Glacialis Mundi - Winter-Light Bernhard Wöstheinrich - Live in Philadelphia 2023 - Iapetus Musc Bridge to Imla - Imaginary Rooms - none Chronotope Project - Chronology - Spotted Peccary Music Dino Pacifici - Kinetic N-R-Gee - Scorpio Rising Music Gunnar Spardel - The Fade to Afterlife - Sunseasky Jeff Greinke - A Thousand Year Flood - Projekt Jim Ottaway - Infinite Universes - none Lambert - Bon Courage - Spheric Music Liquid Science Division - Liquid Science Division - none Oöphoi - Athlit - Hypnos Oöphoi - Bardo - Electroshock Oöphoi and Paul Vnuk, Jr. - Distance to Zero - Hypnos Oöphoi and Seren Ffordd - The Martian Chronicles - Hypnos Peter Mergener - New Horizons - Spheric Music Polypores - Multizonal Mindscrmble - DiN Robert Schroeder - Into the Light - Spheric Music Rudy Adrian - A Walk in the Shadow Garden - Spotted Peccary Music Volker Lankow - Invisible Boundaries - Iapetus Music Volker Lankow - My Tired Sounds - Iapetus Music
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