WDIY 88.1 FM "Galactic Travels" Top 20 for February, 2016.
Shows #983 to #986; 4-February-2016 to 25-February-2016
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox
This report is also available at these locations:
Bill's Blog | WDIY
The Special Focus for February Bryan Carrigan.
Betzler & Brückner - Two - SynGate
Bouvetøya - Blue Planet Talisman - SynGate
Bouvetøya - Timeslip - SynGate
Bryan Carrigan - Focus - Peonies Music
Bryan Carrigan - Inspired - Peonies Music
Bryan Carrigan - Passing Lights - Peonies Music
Bryan Carrigan - Windows - Peonies Music
Craig Padilla - Heaven Condense - Spotted Peccary
Erik Wøllo - Visions - Projekt
Forrest Fang - The Sleepwalker's Ocean - Projekt
Michael Brückner - Eleventh Sun - SynGate Luna
Michael Brückner - Two Letters from Crimea - none
Modulator ESP - Box Yourself Into Some Strange Sonic Corner - none
Ombient - Sectio Aurea - Synkronos
Robert Scott Thompson - Morning of the World - Aucourant
Robert Scott Thompson - Upon the Edge of Night - Aucourant
Robert Scott Thompson - Pale Blue Dot - Aucourant
Steve Roach - Alive in the Vortex - Timeroom Editions
Steve Roach - Emotions Revealed - Projekt
Sverre Knut Johansen - Earth from Above - Spotted Peccary