Afterglow and Thought Radio on WMUH 91.7 FM
This report is only for the Eclectic Mix portion of the
shows; Afterglow Phase 1 and Thought Radio, Phase 2.
Top 10 Report for March, 2015.
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Dan Kennedy - Bloom Road - Mt. Pollux Music
Deuter - Reiki Hands of Love - New Earth
Elise Lebec - Heart Song - none
Lisa Hilton - Horizons - Ruby Slippers Prod.
Michele McLaughlin - Undercurrent - none
Rhonda Mackert - Safe Harbor - none
Rick Sparks - Endless - none
Steven Cravis - Healing Piano - none
Terra Guitarra - Firelight - Earthsign
Trevor Gordon Hall - Entelechy - Candyrat