Airs every Thursday from 8:00 am to 9:30 am on WMUH-FM.
Hosted by Bill Fox.
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Afterglow Playlist

Afterglow is where I present an eclectic mix of genres with an emphasis on
Progressive Rock.

If you or your band have a version of the Genesis song, Afterglow, send it to me
and I will consider using it to start the program.  If I use it, the band gets a
link on the Afterglow web site!

I also host The AM/FM Show every other Saturday morning and will be there on
Saturday, July 23.

Listen to WMUH on-line now.
Show #148 July 18, 2005
This was broadcast on a Monday from 2 to 4 pm to fill in an empty spot.  Since
relaxing music doesn't fit the middle of the afternoon the way it does the early
morning, I played progressive rock exclusively.

2:00 pm

ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== ================================
ShadowPlay (2)          Afterglow                none (none)
Genesis                 Firth of Fifth           Selling England by the Pound
Conspiracy              Conspiracy               The Unknown (InsideOut)
Pinnacle                Timberline               A Man's Reach... (Everything To

2:30 pm

ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== ================================
Simon Apple             Weight of the World      River to the Sea (Trunk)
Frogg Cafe              Fortunate Observer of    Fortunate Observer of Time
                          Time                     (Progrock)
Steve Thorne            Ten Years                Emotional Creatures (Giant
                                                   Electric Pea)
Spock's Beard           There Was a Time         Octane (InsideOut)
VA [Steve Morse]        Mood for a Day           Tales from Yesterday (Magna

3:00 pm

ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== ================================
Tomas Bodin             What's Going On          Pinup Guru (InsideOut)
VA [Robert Berry]       Roundabout               Tales from Yesterday (Magna
Kenso                   The Cunning Madrigal     Fabulis Mirabilibus de Bombycosi
                                                   Scriptis (BTF)

3:30 pm

ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== ================================
Marillion               Neverland                Marbles (Intact)
Glass Hammer            Having Caught a Glimpse  The Inconsolable Secret (Arion)
Ozric Tentacles         Zoemetra                 Spirals in Hyperspace (Magna

4:00 pm

 * = excerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)

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Thanks to Howard Moscovitz for graciously providing the server space for this web site.
The contents of this page ©2005 Bill Fox
All rights reserved